Call Me Feature

Tired of having to pick up the phone and dial a number to call me?

Reading my blog and suddenly get the urge to let me know how great I am?

Looking to play with all the bells and whistles has to offer?

If you answered “YES!” to any of these questions, then perhaps you would like to try out the new Call Me feature on the sidebar of this website.  It’s easy!  Click the link, enter the phone number of the phone you want to call me from and enter your name.  Click “Connect.”

The phone you indicated will ring.  Pick it up and get connected to me… INSTANTLY!

Let’s be honest, this blog has just become another toy for me.  I’m always looking for cool things to add.  This is just another toy.  Its probably just easier to pick up the phone and call… but why would you when you can do it this way?