H-A-Double-L-O-W-Double-E-N Spells Halloween

This year Jack was Buzz Lightyear for Halloween.  In keeping with our tradition we had the families over for a Halloween party and Trick or Treating in our building.  After everyone got to the apartment and gave Jack his candy buckets we had some apps and then put Jack in […]

This year Jack was Buzz Lightyear for Halloween.  In keeping with our tradition we had the families over for a Halloween party and Trick or Treating in our building.  After everyone got to the apartment and gave Jack his candy buckets we had some apps and then put Jack in his costume.  He LOVED it.  He kept saying, “Infinirty enbeyon!” which, if you don’t speak Jack is, “To infinity and beyond!”

We gave him his Halloween bag and he went to get the bucket of candy for the trick or treaters who were coming to our place and proceeded to dump all of the candy into his bag.  He tried to do it the easy way.

The trick or treating went even better than last year.  He kept running around knocking on doors.  He did not try to go into anyone’s apartment this year, which was good.  We were smarter this year and sent scouting teams to the lower floors to find the apartments with candy so that when Jack got to that floor we just pointed him in the direction.  Every time he got to a floor someone would say, “Jack, I found one, do you want to go?” and he would scream “Yes yes yes!” and go running.  It was great.  He also had the biggest smile on his face every time someone gave him candy.

When it was over Jack only wanted a little bit of the candy.   We will probably end up splitting it and bringing it into work to let our co-workers get fat.

Next year… definitely something Star Wars!
