Family Archive


H-A-Double-L-O-W-Double-E-N Spells Halloween

This year Jack was Buzz Lightyear for Halloween.  In keeping with our tradition we had the families over for a Halloween party and Trick or Treating in our building.  After everyone got to the apartment and gave Jack his candy buckets we had some apps and then put Jack in […]

This year Jack was Buzz Lightyear for Halloween.  In keeping with our tradition we had the families over for a Halloween party and Trick or Treating in our building.  After everyone got to the apartment and gave Jack his candy buckets we had some apps and then put Jack in his costume.  He LOVED it.  He kept saying, “Infinirty enbeyon!” which, if you don’t speak Jack is, “To infinity and beyond!”

We gave him his Halloween bag and he went to get the bucket of candy for the trick or treaters who were coming to our place and proceeded to dump all of the candy into his bag.  He tried to do it the easy way.

The trick or treating went even better than last year.  He kept running around knocking on doors.  He did not try to go into anyone’s apartment this year, which was good.  We were smarter this year and sent scouting teams to the lower floors to find the apartments with candy so that when Jack got to that floor we just pointed him in the direction.  Every time he got to a floor someone would say, “Jack, I found one, do you want to go?” and he would scream “Yes yes yes!” and go running.  It was great.  He also had the biggest smile on his face every time someone gave him candy.

When it was over Jack only wanted a little bit of the candy.   We will probably end up splitting it and bringing it into work to let our co-workers get fat.

Next year… definitely something Star Wars!



The Great Shaw/Cervone Disney Trip 2010

Jack had a week of firsts… first airplane ride; first trip to Florida; first boat ride; and his first trip to Disney!  The Shaw’s and Cervone’s headed down to Orlando to visit the Magic Kingdom and all the other parks.  We all had a lot of fun.

The airplane ride was decent.  It wasn’t that he didn’t like the airplane, its that he didn’t like sitting in one spot for so long.  We had movies and coloring books, but it did not matter.  But it was only a 2 hour flight, so we all survived.

Disney was amazing.  Jack loved every minute of it.  He LOVED meeting all the characters (or guys, as he calls them).  He loved the rides; even Goofy’s Barnstormer, which might have been a little too big for him, but he loved it none the less.  He even enjoyed the 3D shows.  At one point he was reaching out at the stuff.

Two things were constant throughout the trip: Jack would put his finger in either the eyes or nose of the characters and I would be soaked in sweat.  It was soooooooooooo hot.  So hot.  Hot.

All in all we had a great time.  And anyone who read my Facebook post saw the line of the vacation… After waiting 30 minutes to see Mickey and Minnie it’s finally Jack’s turn. They turn to him and open their arms in a big hug. Jack goes running towards them… then right past them to the big mouse eared pumpkin saying, “Look at this pumpkin!” The photographer said she had never seen that before.

You will see in the photos a picture of Minnie Mouse shrugging her shoulders next to said pumpkin.


Farming at Grandpa’s

Sunday we went to Long Island to Grandpa’s Farm… okay, so its a little patch of dirt behind Grandma and Grandpa’s house with a few tomato plants… but still.  There were a lot of tomatoes for Jack to pick.  And there are few things Jack likes more than putting things in a container.  Last week we spent about a half hour emptying a bucket of blocks and then putting all the blocks back in the bucket.


Jack’s Second Birthday

It seems like only yesterday we were leaving the hospital and bringing home this little crying baby… and Jack.  And now, here he is, in his Terrible Twos.  We opted out of the big party this year for a series of smaller family parties.  There will be plenty of time for big ridiculous kids parties and we had the big first birthday last year.  It was nice to have some smaller more low key events.  Add this to all the other May/June events and the fact that Jen and I were leaving for Maui Memorial Day weekend, we had more than enough to do without having to plan a big party.

He had a great time this year.  He loved the cake and ice cream and cupcakes.  Things were much better than last year when he refused cake and then cried so hard he threw up.  He really is growing up to be quite the little man.  Jen and I are so lucky.

Here are some highlights…


Fa la la la la la la la laaaaaaaaaaa

Jack had a GREAT Christmas this year.  He’s still too young for Santa (and he SURE didn’t like him too much), but he got the concept of presents.  Of course, the first gift he opened at Nana and Poppa’s house was a toy vacuum cleaner.  And we all know that Jack’s favorite thing to do is clean.  So, he proceeded to ignore the rest of his gifts and vacuum the whole place!

Christmas at Grammy’s house was fun.  He got some nice toys and played with Aunt Jessica’s dog, Maggie.  He was a little hesitant at first, but was feeding Magie goldfish by the end of the night.

Unfortunately Jack got sick and couldn’t make it to Grandpa and Grandma T’s.  But he did get some very nice gifts which he opened at home and we sent pictures to them so they could see.


Turkey Day

Jack had a great Thanksgiving at Grandpa and Grandma T’s.  He even had some little friends to play with.  He was laughing and running around.  It was a lot of fun.

Of course, he still won’t eat any Thanksgiving food except corn… which he ate about 4 ears worth.

Maybe we’ll be eating turkey and stuffing by next year.


Trick or Treat!

Isn’t Jack the cutest Elmo you have ever seen?

He totally got into the trick or treating.  He tried to walk into every person’s apartment who opened the door.  We all had a great time.  Jack even helped to hand out candy to the kids who came to out house.  Although, he was giving out candy one piece at a time.



Who would have thought this year would have gone by so quickly.  I guess looking back it wasn’t THAT fast, but now that we are here, I can’t believe it has been a year already.  Jen and I have certainly learned a lot from each other and from Jack in this past year.

The party was great.  We had it in the party room of our complex.  The food was great.  I wish the A/C worked a little better.  And I wish Jack had a little bit more of a nap, but he made it through the whole party like a champ.

The only problem is that he didn’t want any cake.  I guess since it wasn’t made of peas he didn’t want it.  Yes, my son hates cake… loves peas!


Jen and I got Jack his first bike for his birthday.  Here he is on it for the first time.


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