Video Archive


Jack Just Loves to laugh

I really have nothing to say here except that kid just loves to laugh…

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Jack’s First Day of School

I know.  I know.  How can this be his first day of school?  He’s too young!  Well, it’s pre-school.  And it’s only 2 days a week.


Absolutely crazy.  I can’t even believe it.  I feel like it was only yesterday we brought him home from the hospital.  But here he is, with his backpack and first day of school clothes.  What a little boy he has become.

So, the school is really nice.  There are a lot of children who attend “classes” here.  Jack’s class is 8 kids; 4 boys and 4 girls.  Today it was just the boys and it was only for a half hour.  it was mostly so we could fill out some paperwork and the kids could see the classroom and meet the teachers.  There are 2 teachers.

Everything is really great.  The teachers seem nice.  The room is small, but comfortable.  They have a lot of toys to play with.  They have a bulletin board for the kid’s art projects.  There are cubbies for their things.  it’s everything you would expect in a pre-school, I guess.

Jack really seemed to enjoy it.  Mostly I think he enjoyed playing with the new toys.  We’ll see how it goes when there is class time and when we leave him there alone.  of course, the only time Jack did cry was when it was time to leave.  He kept saying he wanted to go to school.  I think he’ll be okay.

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Eating Ice Cream at the Park

Went to the “big park” with Jack today after we got home from VT.  When we got there there was a Mr. Softee Truck.  Not the ghetto Jolly Joe truck that sells fake Good Humor and hot dogs.  Not the Good Humor truck.  A real Mr. Softee.  So, Jack got an ice cream cone.  After careful deliberation he decided on chocolate with chocolate sprinkles.  I was hoping for vanilla because I figured I was going to be eating a lot of it, but he wanted the chocolate.  We had our ice cream and played in the sprinkler in our clothes.  It was fun.

I am trying a new video program/site on my phone.  People can watch what I am filming live from  I am going to try to let people know when I’m doing something and see how it works.  In the meantime, enjoy the video below…


Talking To Thomas

One of the cutest things Jack does lately is talk to his things. Like many boys his age he is totally into Thomas the Tank Engine. We bought his all this Thomas stuff for his birthday in May. He has all these trains and pieces of the Island of Sodor.

Tonight we were playing with the Engine Wash and he was putting all the trains through the wash. I grabbed some video of him talking to Toby. Too cute!

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Videos! Videos! Videos!

As it turns out since Google bought YouTube years ago I have had a YouTube account. Recently, I recorded some video of Jack on my phone and wanted to post it on the site. YouTube is the easiest way for me to do this. I have some video (I’m terrible when it comes to pictures and video) from when Jack was first born and when he was little. So, I put it up on YouTube.

I’m going to be adding some of it to the site under the video page. You will see a “Video” tab along the top left. I don’t want just anyone viewing these videos, so the videos aren’t listed on YouTube and the page is password protected. If you want the password just shoot me an e-mail and I will send it to you.

I hope you enjoy them. With any luck I will be taking more video since I can also record on my phone and post directly to YouTube! Modern technology. Now I have to figure out how to get the new Droid so I can get HD video with an HDMI output…


Joe’s Ultimate Lido Beach Picnic 2010

Everyone looks forward to Joe’s Ultimate Lido Beach BBQ each year. This year we looked forward to it because Jack was another year older and we knew he was going to love the beach.

We were right. Jack loved digging and playing in the sand. But most of all he LOVED playing in the waves. I took some video with my phone. Next year we’ll be riding the waves!


Sesame Street Mad Men Parody

I have always been a huge fan of anything Jim Henson.  All my life.  I grew up with Sesame Street, Muppets, Fraggles, Dark Crystal, etc.  Now, as a 30 year old man, I can get away with still liking Muppets.  Its socially acceptable… or at least I don’t get too many strange looks.  But Sesame Street kind of fell to the wayside.

Now that I am a Dad, I have started watching again.  It is a really funny show.  Sure, its geared towards a younger audience, but there is a lot of humor for parents too.  I realize I am stating the obvious here, as the whole draw of Sesame Street was to entertain kids and parents, but it is still true.  There are times when I find myself watching when Jack has gone off to pull all his clothes out of the draw.

As further proof of this, in the new season they are doing a Mad Men parody.  I found a clip of it below…

The link somehow vanished… I’m sure you can find it on YouTube.

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Jack Walked!

So, its mine and Jen’s anniversary (4 years!) and we both got home a little early.  Jen was already home and I had just walked in the door.  Jack was on the floor in the living room with Shirley.  I walk around the corner and bend down to say hello, when Jack stands up and walks over to me!  I couldn’t believe it!

I called Jen and we all sat on the floor and Jack took turns walking to each of us.  It was really cool.

I took some video.  Double click the video below to start and turn down the volume on your computers.

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